
Traditional And Renaissance Oil Painting Methods – Supply List

Materials and Supply List

The art supplies listed below can be purchased as a kit at the art supply store Wet Paint, 1684 Grand Ave., St. Paul, at a discounted rate. This oil painting kit is an investment and will last for many years.

Oil Painting Supplies
We suggest Gamblin oil paints, but Sennelier, Winsor and Newton,  M. Graham, Old Holland, Willamsburg and Rembrandt are also acceptable. Please do not buy student grade paints.

• Titanium White, 150 ml tube
• Cadmium Yellow Light
• Yellow Ochre
• Raw Sienna
• Raw Umber
• Venetian Red or English Red Light
• Alizarin Crimson Permanent
• Cadmium Red Light
• Ultramarine Blue
• Viridian
• Ivory Black
• Portland Grey Medium
• Transparent Earth Yellow
• Transparent Earth Orange
• Asphaltum
• Silver Bristion round #0 (or equivalent)
• Signet round bristle brushes, #0, 2, 4, 6 (or equivalent)
• Signet filbert brushes, #1, 2, 4, 6 (or equivalent)
• Signet flat brushes, # 2, 4, 6 (or equivalent)
• Richeson watercolor brush, #1 (or equivalent)
• Richeson watercolor brush, #0 (or equivalent)
• M. Graham Walnut Alkyd Medium, 4 oz.
• “The Masters” Brush Cleaner #101
• Richeson 36×36 cm brush mat or any other brush holder
• Richeson #894 palette knife
• Fredrix Oil Primed Linen Canvas Board 11×14

Household Items
• Shoebox or Tackle box to hold art supplies
• Roll of Paper Towels (to be left at classroom). Bring a new roll every session.