
Manga, Superheroes & Fantasy Figures Online: Character Design – Ages 12-Adult

Character Design Online for Ages 12-Adult

Schedule for Spring 2025

Character Supply List

Our online Drawing Manga, Superheroes and Fantasy Figures is designed to correlate with our online Drawing and Painting Fundamentals program. Students may take the two classes together to learn complementary information, thereby accelerating their skill development considerably. However, it can be taken on its own, and there is no prerequisite.

Our online Drawing Manga, Superheroes & Fantasy Figures class features two complimentary programs to satisfy everyone's creative needs: Character Design & Development and Visual Storytelling through Graphic Novels. These classes may be taken together or separately, and sequence does not matter.

Character Design and Development

"… It is my belief that the function of human anatomy, with an emphasis on its role in the process of emotion and intent, has been sorely neglected by young artist learning the practices of comics and sequential art."
-Will Eisner (1917-2005)

The program centers around the figure, where anatomy, construction and movement are studied in conjunction with each other. Children and teens with a strong interest in Japanese animation (Anime), superheroes, comics and role-playing art are especially drawn to this class. For examples, we look to professional artists to set a standard of excellence. The accumulated knowledge of these fine anatomists, draftsmen and painters inspire our students to produce work of higher quality. In addition to figure construction, students learn about costume design, gesture, facial expression, inking and color techniques.  After these skills are understood, they are encouraged to create their own Manga, Superhero, and Fantasy Figure characters from local artists who excel in figure design.

Character Design Artwork

See also our online Visual Storytelling through Graphic Novels class.

Lilliah Campagna, Instructor, Drift/Deadlock, Digital Painting
Mick Kaufer, Instructor, Evil Ways, Digital Illustration
Bill Hauser, Instructor, Jack Ratts Album Cover, Ink and Photoshop
David Witt, Instructor, Morning Coffee Daily Comic Strip Page, Pen & Ink & Brush on Paper

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