
Renaissance Drawing and Painting Techniques and Beyond

Renaissance Drawing and Painting Techniques and Beyond


We are offering a general in-person adult class at various times each week. This wide-ranging class will allow students to continue their training in specific areas of interest as they receive instruction on a one-on-one project basis.

Choose one of these times when registering:

Mon 7:00pm-9:00pm
Tue 6:00pm-8:00pm
Wed 6:00pm-8:00pm
Thu 10:00am-12:00pm
Thu 2:00pm-4:00pm
Sat 1:00pm-3:00pm
Sat 3:30pm-5:30pm 

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If you have any questions, please call us (651) 699-1573.

Thank you for your interest.

Schedule for Winter – Spring – Fall 2025
Schedule for Summer 2025

Supply List

The Lady with an Ermine
"The supreme misfortune is when theory outstrips performance."
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

Students develop drawing and painting skills through a structured program of individual exercises based on time honored methods.

Using historical models of traditional training as a guide, our course begins with an in-depth overview of drawing based on Renaissance Principles. Students learn how to improve their draftsmanship through methods of shape simplification, shape comparison and shape isolation. From there we advance to the study of line. Value and mass are considered next, followed by an exploration of edge relationships. Students then advance into oil painting to learn underpainting and glazing techniques perfected during the 15th thru 19th centuries. They may also choose to experience the direct painting methods popularized by the Naturalist and Impressionist movements of the late 1800’s.

In this class the importance of finish is emphasized. All lessons are taught from as accurate, historical perspective as possible. The development of a personal aesthetic based upon reliable historic references and advanced artistic seeing is the ultimate goal. Instruction is sequential from term to term to ensure steady growth. By exposing students to the full vocabulary of Western Art we find they are better prepared to make creative choices in their personal work.

Renaissance Artwork

Graphite after Charles Bargue
Rose Polchowne, Adult Student
Graphite after Charles Bargue
Oil Painting after Caravaggio
Cara Hunter, Adult Student
Oil Painting after Caravaggio
Oil Painting after Ingres
Bob Upton, Adult Student
Oil Painting after Ingres

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